Cross-Exchange and Communication Brings Continuous Improvement
April 2, 2015
In the latest in a series of staff exchanges, engineers Tom Verheijen (Piping) and Hubert Velten (Mechanical) travelled from Enschede to Burlington to learn about the design and fabrication practices of their Canadian colleagues. While visiting, Tom and Hubert worked on novel bioenergy demonstration plant projects, bringing their special capabilities to bear together with colleagues Nigel Semegen and Hassan Mahmoudi, and Ed De Rubeis and Farzad Heydari. In the past, cross-exchange of staff between the two operations has led to each adopting the best ideas from the other, and Tom and Hubert’s visits were no exception.
In addition to improving the technical and operating skills of both organisations, these reciprocal visits also improve the cooperation between staff, while enhancing team spirit. The result is accelerated implementation of new developments and innovations, and continuous improvement!